How do I make changes to a previously completed assessment?
Making changes to previously completed assessments is referred to as a reassessment. Almost every type of assessment can be reassessed, excluding Self-Assessments. If the scores have already been released to the student, the changes that you make will automatically be reflected on their My Results screen.
This lesson will walk you through the process of accessing the completed assessment to reassess. If you require additional instructions for actually changing criterion selections or comments, please refer to our full Re-Assess a Complete Assessment workflow.
Step 1: Access Assessment Screen

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Assess.
Step 2: Access Completed Assessments

To view your Completed Assessments:
3. Click on the Completed Assessments button on the left side of the screen.
If you cannot locate the assessment you wish to reassess in the list of Completed Assessments, you may need to extend your time horizon for this list. To do this please visit our Edit Assessment Time Horizon help page for directions.
Step 3: Select Reassess

Locate the Completed Assessment that you would like to re-assess, and click anywhere on its row to reveal its options.
4. Select Re-Assess.