Log In to Your Account
This help page will walk you through the process of logging in to your account. If you have followed the steps below and are still having difficulty, please refer to the Forgot Your Password? help page.
External Assessor Account Access Time Period:
External Assessors are only provided with access to their accounts while they have work to complete (assessments or surveys/forms). Once they have completed all work, their account will remain active for 7 days after this date. At this point, they will lose access to their account. If and when new work is sent to them to complete, they will regain access to their account.
Step 1: Enter User ID & Password

1. Enter your User ID or Email Address associated with your Anthology Portfolio account.
2. Enter your Password.
3. Click Login.
If you are having difficulty logging in, please ensure that the logo at the top of the login screen is that of your institution. If not, it is possible that you are at another institution's login screen and will need to navigate to your institution's Anthology Portfolio site to make another attempt to log in. If you are at the correct site, please use the Forgot Your Password? link and follow the on-screen steps.
Step 2: Accept Legal Agreement (if applicable)

If you have already accessed your Anthology Portfolio account and agreed to our legal agreement, you may skip this step.
If this is your first time accessing your Anthology Portfolio account, you will need to read and accept the legal agreement for using Anthology Portfolio. Once you have read the agreement:
4. Select I agree.
5. Click Continue.
Step 3: Arrive in Account

Once you have successfully entered your login ID/email address and password, you will be redirected to the main screen in your account: the Dashboard.