1. Select Report Settings
This help page will walk you through the steps necessary to set up your reports. Below is a sample report and does not represent the only method for setting up your report parameters and options. Your reports can be customized to meet your needs simply by selecting different report parameters and options from those shown here.
Step 1: Access Results Analytics

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Reporting.

3. Select Results Analytics.

When using live data for your reports in Results Analytics, the system is required to aggregrate/disaggreate the data that applies to the selected report settings at the time you generate the report. Although, there is no issues with using this option (it is the default), it can take longer to generate reports that include large data sets.
Using cached data for your reports in Results Analytics allows the system to generate reports based on previously aggregated/disaggreated data (the data saved in your cache). Therefore, reports containing large data sets will generate much more quickly than if the same report was run using live data.
If you wish to generate cached data settings please visit our Generate Cached Data in Results Analytics help page.
Step 2: Select Report Setup Method: Basic vs. Advanced
The basic report setup method allows you to quickly select your report settings. This option is helpful if you wish to run a simple report that does not utilize filter options or advanced output settings.

1. Click to select whether you want to look at the submissions by date Assessed or Submitted.
2. Select your date/time interval and click Apply.
3. Click the + icon to add additional time intervals.

4. Continue to click on each setting option to reveal the options. You must click on the option, even if you do not wish to change the selection, in order to reveal the next set of options.
Once you have clicked on each setting option as they appear, you will end up with report settings that look similar to the one in the image above.
5. If you are ready to run the report click Generate report.
6. Alternatively, you can open up the Advanced Filters area to select additional report settings and filter options. The report selections you already made will populate in the Advanced Filters area as well. See below for more information about using the Advanced Filter options.
The Advanced Filter options allow you to select more detailed settings and filter options for your report. You can also use the Advanced Filter options in conjuction with the basic setup method, as your selections will be popuplated automatically.

1. Click the Advanced Filters option.
Report Scope

2. Use the List By drop-down menu to select how you wish to display the assessments in your report (Assessment Instrument, Criterion, etc.)
3. Using the Statistics drop-down menu to select how you would like to view the scores in your report (Overall Average, Performance Level (Counts), etc.).
Time Intervals

4. Click into the existing time interval fields to select your desired date range.
5. Click Apply after making your selection.
6. If you wish to add additional time intervals to your report click the + icon.
Filter Options

All Filter Options are optional. Select only those that are desired for your specific report.
7. Click the Choose Instrument button to select the Assessment Instrument. This button may also be labelled Choose Outcome if you are running the report by Outcome Set.
8. Use the Table of Contents menu to select a specific Table of Contents and section(s) to use to filter the assessments in your report.
9. If you wish to filter the assessments by responses that you have collected on one of your Forms, you can choose to either "Filter by select individual responses" or "Compare responses for a single question". You will then be prompted to select the Form and the question(s) you wish to use for filtering or comparing.
10. If you wish to filter the assessments by the department or group to which the students belong, use the Choose button to make this selection.
11. If you wish to filter the assessments by Assessor, you can choose to "Filter by Assessor Department/Group", "Filter by Individual Assessor", or "Filter by Department Contact List".
12. The Assessment Volume option will allow you to select a minimum number of assessments that must exists for the select Assessment Instrument or Outcome Set in order to be included in your report.
Calculation & Output Options

13. Calculation Options
- In Case of Multiple Submissions: If more than one submission was made and scored, this option allows you to select to include all submissions, average student submission scores, use the latest student submission score, or use the earliest student submission score.
- Filter by Date: This option allows you to select to filter by the date the submissions were made or the date the submissions were assessed.
- Statistics Mode: This option allows you to select to display population or sample statistics.
- Calculate Rubric Means Using: You have the option to calculate instrument means using Criterion scores or Overall scores.
- Reliability Assessment Scores: If you have performed reliability tests using this assessment instrument you can select to include or exclude the reliability assessment scores.
- Held Scores: This option allows you to decide whether or not you would like to include held scores in your report.
- Resubmission Scores: This option allows you to choose whether you would like to include or exclude resubmission scores in your report.
14. Output Options
Select the output options you wish to include in your report by clicking on the associated checkboxes.
15. Pegging Scheme
If would like to apply a pegging scheme to the assessment instrument used for this report, use the drop-down menu to select the desired pegging scheme.
What are "Zero Performance Levels"?
Zero Performance Levels may be set up as part of your performance levels when you are creating instruments. A score of zero generally means that the work was not submitted or that the submitted work did not satisfy the requirements. Including the zero score in the calculation of the mean will negatively impact the mean score. Check this option only if you want to include zero scores in the calculation of the mean.
What are "Zero Scores"?
Zero scores should not be confused with 'Not Applicable' criterion scores. N/A scores are not included in the calculation of the mean score.
What are "Mean Bar Charts"?
The Mean Bar chart gives an indication of the range of scores. For example, if you have a seven (7) performance level scoring range, a mean of 3.5 would have a 50% mean bar chart.
When reporting on data that is generated using aggregate scores, additive assessment instruments, or pegging, the data might not fall neatly into the predetermined performance levels. In these scenarios, our system will automatically generate intervals in which to place the data. If there is a preference other than our system's auto-intervals, you may use custom intervals.
Step 3: Generate Report

16. Optionally select to Save this search as your default.
17. Click Generate Report and select how the report should be generated. You can generate the report:
- On Screen: This selection will generate the report within the application (on your screen).
- Excel TSV: This selection will generate and download the report as an Excel TSV file.
- Raw XML: This selection will generate and download the report as a Raw XML file.
- Excel XML: This selection will generate and download the report as an Excel XML file.
Step 4: Review Report Options

Your report will now be displayed in table format. You have the following options on this screen:
1. Settings Summary: To view a summary of the report settings, click setting summary icon.
2. Report Settings: To make changes to the report parameters, select this option. If you make any changes on the report settings, click the Reload button to see the changes take effect.
3. Export: If you would like to save the report on your computer, you can export it as Excel TSV, Raw XML or Excel XML.
4. Save New: This options allows you to save this report so that you can run it in the future without having to select the parameters again. Saving the report will also allow you to insert the report into a portfolio.
5. Click on the Remove from Site Library button to remove the saved report from the library, if applicable.
6. Report Table Options:
- Show/Hide Columns: This option allows you to hide any of the columns that are currently displayed. You can also select to show them (unhide) if you have previously hidden them.
- Copy: To save a copy of the report table to your clipboard so that you can paste it elsewhere (e.g. into a Word Document on your computer).
- CSV: To download the report to your computer in CSV format, use this option.
- Print: This option will create a printer-friendly version of the report so that it can be printed.
Step 5: Browse Results

To begin browsing your report and drilling down into the results:
1. Click the Browse link.

2. Your results will be displayed as a graph. Use the Line View, Column View, or Table View to change how the information is displayed.
3. If you have generated a report with multiple items, you can select to hide or show specific items by using the checkboxes and Show All and Hide All buttons.