Where do I find/assess the work that students submitted to me?
Whenever a student submits work to you in Chalk & Wire, it will appear in the "Pending Assessments" area of your account. You can access recent pending assessments on your Dashboard, or all pending assessments from the Assessment menu.
Methods for Accessing Pending Assessments:
There are two ways to access your Pending Assessments:
- Using the Pending Assessments tab on your Dashboard
- Using the Main Menu to access Assessment and Assess
Option 1: Dashboard

Once logged in, you will be directed to your account's Dashboard. Use the various tabs to view an Overview of your account, Portfolios, Pending Assessments, Performance, Upcoming assignments, and Surveys.
Additionally, you have the option to select any tab and set it as your Default Tab. This will make the selected default tab the first item that you see the next time that you log in to your account, and every time after. The Default Tab can be changed at any time.

Your pending assessments will appear in chronological order from oldest at the top to most recent at the bottom. Select the submission you wish to assess by clicking anywhere in the table row for the submission and selecting the Assess option from the menu that appears.
Option 2: Assessment Menu

1. Click on the Main Menu Icon.
2. Click on the Assess option.

3. Locate the appropriate pending assessment, and click anywhere on the row to reveal its options. Select Assess.