Create a Standard Assignment
Step 1: Access Assignments

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Curriculum.

3. Select Assignments.
Step 2: Create New Assignment Template

4. Click on the New Assignment button.

5. Select the Standard assignment type.
6. Enter a Name and Description for the assignment.
7. Click on the Choose Instrument button to select the assessment instrument.
8. Select the Table of Contents and page within the table of contents. This will be where the students will be directed to add their work, and submit for assessment.
9. Select the Course Group that will own the assignment.
10. Click Save Assignment.
Step 3: Give Assignment to Group or Subgroup

Once you have saved the assignment, you will be prompted to give the assignment to a group or subgroup. Select the group that you would like to give the assignment:
11. Click the Give Assignment to this Group button.
Step 4: Select Dates and Save Assignment

After giving the assignment to a group, new options will appear.
12. Select the Assessor who will assess the assignment.
13. Optionally select a Start Date and Due Date.
14. Optionally select a Cutoff Date. Students will not be able to submit after this date.
15. Click Save Assignment Instance to save the instance.
Step 5: Send Assignment

After saving the instance, you will be prompted to send the assignment instance. You can also make changes on this screen, and save the instance again.
16. Click Send.
Step 6: Select Students to Complete Assignment

17. Select the students that you would like to send the assignment to. This list will be generated by the Course Group that owns the assignment.
18. Click Send Assignment.
Will the Students be Notified of this Assignment?

A site policy determines whether or not the option to send notifications to student(s) is available when sending assignments. If you would like this policy enabled or disabled, please contact your local Chalk & Wire Administrator.
Step 7: Student Progress

19. View the progress for students who have been sent the assignment. You can access this progress at any point by viewing the assignment instance.
20. Return to the Assignments screen.