Product Release Notes—January 2021
You Inspire Us!

1. We're always looking for ideas to help improve our products and services, and draw on many sources of inspiration such as the experience of our staff, usage data from our systems, market research, the latest technology trends, and of course ideas submitted to us directly from users just like you! If you have an administrator role in Chalk & Wire we've now made it even easier to submit your ideas directly from your Chalk & Wire site. Simply click on 'Tell us your Ideas' from the Help menu and follow the instructions in the Ideas submission portal. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
View Files in Collective Review

2. Users of the Chalk & Wire Collective Review module can now review files for potential issues including anonymity prior to dispatching them for review. Files added to Collections can be viewed by clicking the 'View File' action that appears when clicking on the row item.