QuickStart Guide for External Assessors

Students may be required to submit their work to external assessors who do not have Anthology Portfolio accounts. Additionally, administrators may send assessments directly to external assessors, which do not require a submission from a student. External assessors assess submissions made to them by logging into the Anthology Portfolio site as a Guest.

External Assessor Account Access Time Period:

External Assessors are only provided with access to their accounts while they have work to complete (assessments or surveys/forms). Once they have completed all work, their account will remain active for 7 days after this date. At this point, they will lose access to their account. If and when new work is sent to them to complete, they will regain access to their account.

Step 1: Work to Assess/Login to Anthology Portfolio

Step 1: Work to Assess/Login to Chalk & Wire

As an external assessor you will receive an email notification from Anthology Portfolio when a submission has been made to you. To access the guest Anthology Portfolio login page and enter your guest account to complete the assessment(s), click on the Go to Anthology Portfolio link in the email.

If your email client does not support HTML, the link to Anthology Portfolio will not be available for you to click on. Instead, copy and paste the URL provided at the bottom of the email into your browser to access the login page.

2. Enter your email address on the Guest Login screen.

3. Click Enter.

Step 2: Review the Assessment Interface

The assessment interface will appear on your screen, displaying student work on the left and the assessment instrument on the right.

Step 3: Select Instrument View

Use the Full Instrument option to view the full instrument (all criteria listed at once) in a full screen view. Use the button again to return to the regular view.

Use the Toggle Instrument option to view the student work in a full screen view. Toggle the instrument back to reveal the assessment interface.

Step 4: Comment on Student Work

Providing feedback to students is an important part of their growth. Various commenting options are available in Anthology Portfolio to ensure that you have the necessary tools to provide your students with the best possible feedback.

For instructions on using a specific commenting method, select the method below:

Step 5: Assess and Comment on Criteria

1. Select which criterion you would like to assess by using the Select Specific Criteria drop-down menu, or the PREV and NEXT buttons.

Hover your cursor over the performance levels for the criterion to view their descriptions. Once you have decided which performance level will be selected,

2. Click on the Performance Level to select it. Once selected, it will appear in green.

3. Enter a Criterion-Specific comment.

4. Alternatively, use the Comment Suggestions feature. This feature will provide you with previous comments left on this criterion when the same performance level was selected, as well as your most frequent comments across all criteria and instruments.

If you are using the Comment Suggestions feature,

5. Select whether you would like to view Criterion Comments OR Frequent Comments.

6. Use the Arrows to move through the available comments.

7. When you see the comment that you would like to apply, click on it.

The assessment for the criterion is complete when you have selected a performance level and left a criterion-specific comment. In order to move on to the next criterion,

8. Click on the NEXT button.

Repeat Step 6: Assess and Comment on Criteria until all criteria have been assessed and commented on.

Step 6: Leave an Overall Comment

Ensuring that the Overall Comments tab is selected,

1. Enter an Overall Comment for the assessment.

Step 7: Set Notify & Release Options

Administrators have the ability to lock their own selections in place, disabling Assessors from making changes to the Notify & Release Options. You will still see which options are selected, but will not be able to make different selections.

Ensuring that the Notify & Release Options tag is selected,

1. Select the Notify options:

  • Yes: If you choose to notify the student, an email will be sent to alert them of the completed assessment. If you have also chosen to release the results, the student will be able to view the completed assessment from the My Results screen.
  • No: You can also choose not to notify the student, which means they will not receive an email when the assessment is completed.
  • Notify only When Results Released: This option should be selected if you do not want to notify the student that the assessment is completed until you decide to release the results. In this case, you would be selecting to hold the results of the assessment as well. Only when the results are released will the student be notified of the completed assessment.
  • Notify after Final Escalation Level Complete: This option should be select if the student's work will be sent through escalation, and you would not like for them to see their score until all assessments in the escalation process have been completed.

2. Select the Release options:

  • Immediately: If this option is selected, clicking the Save button, will trigger the release of the completed assessment results. Students will be able to access their results from the My Results screen immediately.
  • Never: This option will prevent students from ever seeing the results of the assessment .
  • Held until released: This option will prevent the results of the completed assessment from being released when completed and will hold the results on your Unreleased Assessments screen until you decide to release them.
  • After final escalation level complete: This option will release the results when the final level of escalation for the instrument has been completed.

Step 8: Save Assessment

1. Click on the green Save button to save the assessment.

If you have not finished the assessment but would like to save your progress, use the Save as Draft option, instead.

A message will appear in green to indicate that the assessment has been saved, and provide you with the final score.

Step 9: Optionally Save Grade to LMS

If the assessment was created by a submission via LMS integration, you will have the option to save a Final Grade %. This is the grade that will be pushed back to the LMS gradebook.

System Administrators can enable a feature that will auto-populate the Final Grade % field. If this occurs, the grade will be based on the performance level selections in Anthology Portfolio but may be edited if you think a different grade should be entered.

1. Enter the Final Grade % by typing in the text-entry box.

2. Click Save.

Step 10: Log Out

Step 6: Log Out

Once you have finished your assessment, click on your name in the top/right corner of the screen and select Log Out from the drop-down menu.