Form Questions and Grids
This help page provides descriptions for each of the form questions and grids.
Use the headings below to locate the question/grid about which you'd like to learn more:

The Date Field question type allows respondents to use a calendar to select a specific date.
This type of question is used when you would like to collect the current date or date of a specific activity. The default date/calendar that appears will be for the current day's date.

The Text Field question type allows respondents to enter a single line of text.
This type of question is used when a short text response is required. Formatting within the text field is not possible.

The Text Field (Multiline) question type allows respondents to enter multiple lines of text.
This type of question is used when a longer text response is required. Formatting within the text-box is not possible, though new lines or spaces between paragraphs will be recognized.

The Single Choice question type allows respondents to choose one response from a list of options.
This type of question is used when multiple options are available, but only one may apply. When there are more than ten options from which the respondent may choose, the list will turn into a drop-down menu.

The Multiple Choice question type allows respondents to choose multiple responses from a list of options.
This type of question is used when multiple options are available, and a combination of responses may apply. When there are more than ten options from which the respondent may choose, the list will turn into a drop-down menu.

The Scale question type allows users to rate or "agree" on a sliding scale.
This type of question is used to gather opinion or agreement. The lowest and highest values and descriptors can be edited when creating the question.

The Single Checkbox question type allows respondents to select a single response.
This type of question is typically used request acknowledgement or agreement.
This type of question is only available on the "Journals" form type.

The Supervisor Signoff question type allows respondents to select their supervisor to sign-off on the responses in the rest of the form.
This type of question is typically used in Field Placement journals when the system Administrator would like to have the off-campus supervisor confirm the responses that the candidate submits.

The Numeric question type allows users to enter a numerical value.
This type of question is used when the response will be numerical only. The range of accepted values can be set when creating the question.
This type of question is only available on the "Journals" form type.

The Hours question type allows respondents to enter a specific number of hours.
This type of question is typically used in Field Placement journals where the candidate is required to journal their field experiences. The hours question will let the respondent enter how many hours were spent at the placement on a specific day, week, etc.

The Text Field grid type of question allows respondents to enter multiple single lines of text for one or more questions, OR a single line of text for multiple questions in the grid.
This type of question is used when a short text response is required. Formatting within the text field is not possible.

The Text Field (Multiline) grid type of question allows respondents to enter multiple lines of text in response to multiple questions within the grid.
This type of question is used when longer text responses are required. Formatting within the text-box is not possible, though new lines or spaces between paragraphs will be recognized.

The Single Choice grid type of question allows respondents to choose one response from a list of options in response to multiple questions within the grid.
This type of question is used when multiple options are available per question, but only one may apply. When there are more than ten options from which the respondent may choose, the list will turn into a drop-down menu.

The Multiple Choice grid type of question allows respondents to choose multiple responses from a list of options in response to multiple questions within the grid.
This type of question is used when multiple options are available, and a combination of responses may apply. When there are more than ten options from which the respondent may choose, the list will turn into a drop-down menu.

The Numeric question type allows users to enter a numerical value in response to multiple questions within the grid.
This type of question is used when the response will be numerical only. The range of accepted values can be set when creating the question.

The Single Checkbox question type allows respondents to select a single response in response to multiple questions within the grid.
This type of question is typically used request acknowledgement or agreement.
This type of question is only available on the "Journals" form type.

The Hours question type allows respondents to enter a specific number of hours in response to multiple questions within the grid.
This type of question is typically used in Field Placement journals where the candidate is required to journal their field experiences. The hours question will let the respondent enter how many hours were spent at the placement on a specific day, week, etc.